Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September stuff

Just as a reminder, I don't usually remember to update this. And since I'm not private right now anyway, you might just want to switch your blog roll over to our blog's direct site:


Go there now and check out our newest posts :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This isn't working

It's come to my attention that in order for this whole "Front Page" deal to work, I actually have to remember to update it! Oooooooooops! 

Right now I'm not even private (because I am too lazy) and so you might at well change your blog roll to www.peacockpostings.blogspot.com instead of this one.  Then you will actually get to see that I do in fact blog............ a whole lot more often than every 2-3 months. Sorry guys! 

Until then, check us out right here!